Correspondence with an Inmate in Buchenwald Source: R. Dafni & Y. Kleiman (eds.) Final Letters, (Jerusalem 1991) p. 28-30. [An Exchange of brief, censored correspondence between Alfred Neumann, a prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp, and his wife, Lili.] STAMP: Mail Censorship Office. ADDRESS: Mrs. Lili Neumann, Breslau, 78 Goethe St. SENDER: Alfred Neumann, No. 27258 Block 1a Concentration Camp Buchenwald Post Office Weimar, Thuringia 17 November 1938 Dear Lili, Everything is fine with me. I am well, hopefully you and Mother are too. Many regards and kisses from your loving husband [the last word is crossed out] Alfred. ADDRESS: Security Prisoner Alfred Neumann No. 27258 Block 1a Concentration Camp Buchenwald Post Office Weimar, Thuringia SENDER: Mrs. Lili Neumann, Breslau, 78 Goethe St. STAMP: Returned. The Addressee is under post ban until further notice. Breslau, 25 November 1938 My beloved Fredy, Just now I have received your kind card and I am glad that you are well. We are fine, too. I am liquidating the household and we are moving to Taschen Street. I have sent you 15 Marks so that you can buy cigarettes or whatever else you need. Be brave and always remember that in my mind I am with you every minute. Many, many kisses, Your loving Lili From me, too, affectionate regards, Mother.